Ahava Health

Hair Mineral Analysis

and Nutritional Balancing

Sheila Dobson

Nutrition Consultant



Please email (sheila@ahavahealth.com) or call me (602-421-1242 Arizona Time) if you are unsure which option described below is best for your needs, OR schedule a FREE Pre-test consultation.

Let’s Get Started!

Please download and sign each form and send by regular mail with your sample or by email to sheila@ahavahealth.com

  1. Request for Services – Needed for First Test only
  2. Membership Agreement – Needed for First Test only
  3. First Hair Test Form if this is a first test, or Retest Form if it is a retest.
    • Clients with complex cases need to fill out “Comprehensive Client Intake Forms” — please email me to ask for this form. If you are unsure contact me.
  4. Be sure to read Hair Sample Cutting Instructions before cutting your sample!