Silica – The Stealth Defender
Silica is an under-appreciated mineral in the world of natural health. In this article, the properties of silica are described and its functions in our bodies are discussed. Food sources and supplement options are provided for those who would like to increase silica intake in order to help with a great variety of health concerns…
Top Ten Lowest Carbohydrate Vegetables
By Sheila Dobson, NC Vegetables are a key part of most healing diets, however, many people need to reduce carbohydrates even from vegetables. Some people just need to use more low-carb vegetables and less of the high-carb vegetables, whereas others need have almost no carbohydrates. Those following ketogenic diets need to restrict carbohydrates the most;…
Mineralizing Teas
Herbal teas can be an excellent source of minerals. The following are some options for augmenting your mineral intake through herbal teas. Instructions on how to make and use each of these teas are given. Herbal teas covered here are: parsley, alfalfa, oatstraw, nettle and hibiscus flower. By Sheila Dobson, NC Parsley Tea Alfalfa Tea…
Healing Diet Guidelines
Diet Guide For Nutritional Balancing Plans This is a longer article in three parts, covering most of the basics about how to devise an individualized healing diet. Sheila Dobson, NCDecember, 2023 PART 1 – Introduction, Rationale, What To Avoid, What To Eat and Foods That Must Often Be Limited Or Avoided On a Healing Diet…
The concept of vitality, also called “adaptive energy,” is central to Nutritional Balancing Science.
Healthy Fats List
It is important to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats. Fats have been maligned and viewed as unhealthy by many so-called nutrition experts in the last several decades, but it is clear that exactly the opposite is true. Fats are needed diet components, and they absolutely do not make us fat when we…
List of Conditions Nutritional Balancing Has The Potential To Help With
People With a Variety of Conditions Have Found Nutritional Balancing Helpful. The Following Is a Partial List.